7 World's Most Expensive Stamp

Thursday, February 3, 2011

1. The Three-Skilling Yellow, is a misprint stamps published by the Swedish government in its first printing in 1855. Where normal postage only (which should be blue-green) are also included rare stamps. Three-Skilling Yellow is one of the rarest stamps and the only one left. This stamp of 1984 sold for 977 500 Swiss francs by David Feldman. Year 1990 sales reached one million U.S. dollars, then in 1996 sold for $ 2.3 million or approximately Rp. 21.85 billion. And each time a record is sold always scored highest as a stamp featuring the most expensive in the world.

2. The first two stamps of Mauritius (1847) are the first two series of stamps issued by the British colonial government. There was only one fruit with the conditions of the first stamps and three stamps unused second also with unused condition. Year 1993 David Feldman auction Mauritius stamps belonging Hiroyuki Kanai produces the highest record. The first orange-colored stamps sold for $ 1,072,260 or approximately Rp. 10 billion more and the second at $ 1,148,850 is also about more than Rp. 10 billion.

3. The inverted Jenny stamps America in 1918 is illustrated Curtiss JN-4 plane and accidentally printed upside down; this is probably the most famous misprint in the world of American philately. Only 100 remaining misprint stamps, making it one of the most valuable stamp misprint; One full block inverted Jenny stamps sold at auction Robert A. Siegel in October 2005 for U.S. $ 2.7 million. And in November 2007 an inverted Jenny stamps sold for U.S. $ 977.500 (Rp 9 billion). December 2007 a mint stamps (unused / unused) with very good condition sold to a Wall Street executive for $ 825,000 or approximately USD 7.8 Billion.

4. British Guiana One Cent Black on Magenta (1856) are among the rarest and most expensive stamps. Stamps printed on low quality paper with black ink magenta, due to emergency conditions. Note there is only one fruit left in the entire world, so this stamp is unique and no other else ever found. Year 1980 has been auctioned to John Dupont for $ 935,000 or approximately USD 8.8 Billion.

5. U.S. Franklin Z-Grill, 1867. This is the rarest of all postage stamps of the United States, only found two pieces remaining. In 1988 a stamp "Z-Grill" one cent in 1868 sold for $ 930,000 or approximately USD 8.8 Billion.

6. Hawaiian Missionaries, 1851 was the first Hawaiian stamps. Because the "Hawaiian Missionaries" roughly printed with paper thin and low quality, just only a few stamps that had been salvaged and is a very rare stamps. Lowest nominal 2 cents in 1851 is the rarest of the entire series, and only the remaining 16 units. A 2 cent Missionary stamp in mint condition (unused) for $ 760,000 and $ 225,000 for Used condition.

7. The Penny Black, was the first official adhesive postage stamp in the world, the UK Government published on May 1, 1840 and came into use on 6 May. The Penny Black stamps actually not rare but include the most expensive stamps. 286 700 Total print sheets of stamps printed with 68.808 million. A Penny Black stamps unused (not used) according to the 2001 Scott catalog price $ 3,000 or approximately Rp. 28.5 million, - and the Used (already in use) for $ 180 or about USD 1.7 million, - per piece.

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